Honeybet Cavaliers

Honeybet Hot 'N Sticky

Welcome to Lola's page  Honeybet Hot 'N Sticky

Honeybet Valentino Salbrie Versace Trirayne Dynamite Dennis at Whyteplace Linjato Ace of Base
Trirayne Winter Fern
Salbrie Isadora CH Millhill Le Frere
Salbrie Ryan's Daughter
Choya Tri To Delight Honeybet Choya Yankee Doodle Dandy Nevhills Nashville
Choya My Delight
Stonepit Delightful at Tasset Homerbrent Harry at Stonepit
Stonepit Bella
Honeybet Hot n Spicey Millhill Honeybet Ensemble CH Millhill Le Monde AKC Ch Hometown Ever Hopeful at Millhill
Millhill La Fraise
Millhill Fait Bien at Honeybet Maibee Manhatton of Hometown
Millhill La Parisienne
Honeybet Hot Gossip Honeybet Jus De La Cassis CH Hilarny Rely on Robin
Millhill La Cassis
Hazelbury Dollybird Homerbrent Caradoc at Hazelbury
Hazelbury Opal

Lola was born in August 2003 on the hottest day of that year, hence the litter names.

She won Best Minor Puppy in Breed at Windsor Championship Show 2004 which qualified her for Crufts 2005 and Pup of the Year 2004.

She had some bad experiences at Shows and is much happier at home. Her first litter was born in 2007.

Lola lived in retirement with a friend in Suffolk.

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