Honeybet Cavaliers

Honeybet Valentino

25.01.2001 - 27.01.2010

Welcome to Ted's page Honeybet Valentino

Pictured at 4 months old

Ted Ted at 10 months

Ted is far more co-operative and enjoys his photo being taken, these were taken at 10 months old.

Salbrie Versace Trirayne Dynamite Dennis at Whyteplace Linjato Ace of Base CH Alberto of Kindrum
Linjato Moonlight Shadow
Trirayne Winter Fern Eng Ch Toraylac Joshua
Calamansak Corn Dolly Of Trirayne
Salbrie Isadora CH Millhill Le Frere AKC Ch Hometown Ever Hopeful at Millhill
Millhill La Fraise
Salbrie Ryan's Daughter Salbrie Indian Spring
Salbrie Gypsy
Choya Tri To Delight Honeybet Choya Yankee Doodle Dandy Nevhills Nashville Clopsville Moonbeam
Nevhills Victoria Plum
Choya My Delight Lymrey Feller Me Lad
Angel Delight of Mystars
Stonepit Delightful at Tasset Homerbrent Harry at Stonepit CH Homerbrent Festival
Homerbrent Penalisan
Stonepit Bella Eng Ch Homaranne Carson
Homerbrent Penderry at Stonepit

Ted was Susan's son born in January 2001.

Ted has been to Crufts when he got 2nd in his Class in 2004. He is a lovable boy always looking for a cuddle.

Ted lived in retirement with Donald and Judith in Henley.

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